Oct 25, 2011

Err...I'm kind of a machine, I cant stop making shit. 

Page tops, inspired by a friend <3
10L each.
Fatpack (with 9 tops total 75L)

Horror Haute

So every month I participate in Horror Haute, a week long event where designers discount an item in their shop, or make something special for. This month I had so much going on with hunts and things that I decided to discount a set of skins.

50L for each skintone (orig 200L) and then 200L for the fatpack. (Orig 1000L)

Horror Haute will run until the end of the month. (Though i won't be home the 31st so my item will likely stay up at this price until atleast the first of november.)

If you haven't heard of Horror Haute yet, be sure to check out their blog as one of the participants of it is one of my all time favorite designers and I probably squealed a little too hard to myself when I saw her in my store when I logged on this morning, even if she was just checking to make sure my items were out, it was kind of a big deal. xD  The other people with items out this week are amazzzing, I'm so happy to be included among such talented folks.


Check out the sculpted fingernails by ~.:.Hysteria.:.~ they are too fucking amazing to pass up.

Peatonville Asylum

Sooooo the newest hunt from Mad Pea starts really soon, and I've been working my little toosh off trying to make the perfect gifties for it. I needed to make male and female. And...I really dislike making male items, but I made them anyway, or well I made unisex, but it will work right? Anyways! Here's what you can expect from [Eat Paste] at the Peatonville Asylum hunt, starting October 28th!

These two will be the actual hunt gifts. A special new skin and a tattoo layers makeup for the boys (and girls that just want to add to their favorite skin). 

Annnd, these two will be the gifts for people that actually finish the hunt, in the super secret hidden ending prize room.


Oct 21, 2011

Who wants to eat some paste?

Alright, so..I pretty much suck at blogging, and hope I can remember to keep up with this thing as I put out new items, but for now...I'll just post pictures of some of the things already available in my shop!

All skins come in these skintones, each skintone is 200L.

Also available is the skin I made for september's Horror Haute.
I just loved this skin so much I havent had the heart to take it down yet. 
Only 50L

Also, brand new in store is my new dollarbie skin! Yay for almost free!

And then we get to the things that aren't skins!
This lovely dress comes in two versions, 
one to show off your breasticles. (That's a scientific word, look it up.)
Only 50L.

And last but not least...
Tshirts - comes completely unisex, on all layers for 10L