Nov 2, 2011


So, I'm sorry I have nothing new for you lately. (There's a couple of hunts going on so go get some freebies!) but my power has been out for 84 hours now (and counting.) Which means no heat, no lights, no internet. I have been going out once a day to get warm and charge my phone and the likes and have 400L worth of new stuff to upload for the store, but who knows when I'll be back to get anything up in the store for you. As of right now the power company is saying it will be until at-least friday at midnight until my power is back, I am going nuts with no secondlife of course but I'm extremely worries about my babies (a cat and a dog) sitting in this freezing apartment with me. I myself feel fine, I know I'm getting sick since I'm sitting here in a tank top and no socks and am sweating when its like 30 degrees in my house lol. But hopefully I will see you all on the other side of this! Love you all!

editted for an update!
and hours after I wrote this, my power came back, still no heat but I can see and play online again!


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