Nov 5, 2011


I've been in a hunt whirlwind lately, been doing hunts non-stop. Here's the next project, starting November 15th is the Twilight Saga offense to any twi-hards out there, I can't say I'm a fan of the "saga" but to each their own I suppose. ANYWAYS, I do however have an infinite love for vampires, always have, always will. So of course, I went the vampy route and this lovely outfit will be my gift for the hunt.

This little goodie includes not only the blood stained skin, but the creepy eyes, the sculpted boots, AND the entire outfit, sculpty skirt as well.

I'll likely sell this after the hunt is over (like I do most my stuff because I can't see letting something I worked so hard on go to waste.) But for now, make sure to stop by November 15th and pick up this lovely little ditty. 

PS: Right now the MadPea Peatonville Asylum hunt is still ongoing, as well as the Dirty Turkey Hunt. (see below)

PPS: The Jerky Turkey Hunt starts Nov. 15th as well, I just don't have a gift ready yet.

ALSO, Horror Haute will be at the end of the month, not too sure what I'm doing yet, but I'll be in it again!

*takes a deep breath...anddd passed out!*


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